Let’s Play On Field Day!

On your marks, get set, GO! The games have just begun on the 2023 Field Day at Holy Redeemer School. These games are very intense and every team wants to win. Teams against teams battle for their victory. Teams can only win by helping and cheering each other on. After every game, the team who wins or has the most spirit earns a clip. The team with the most clips in the end wins. While playing the games, teams can win clothes pins and they have to work together to earn them. Some of the games include tug war, who can get the ball off of the parachute the fastest, and toss the water balloon.

This year, the PTO provided shirts for each team. Every team is assigned a different color to represent their team. The team’s colors are, Light Blue, Light Pink, Neon Blue, Neon Green, Carolina Blue, Daisy, Safety Green, Mint Green, Violet, Heliconia, Heather Navy, Tropical Blue, Heather Red, Sport Grey, Tennessee Orange, and Heather Sapphire. The eighth graders will be helping out with Field Day, therefore, they will be the captains. They lead their teams through the games. Captains encourage and strengthen the group together. These leaders cheer up their teams and embrace the fun as a team for a memory that no person will forget. ”My hope is that field day will be a friendship day at Holy Redeemer. Building strong friendships is fun when participating in sports in my opinion. Just like the Olympics, sport brings the world together. “Field day to me is our HR Olympics,” says Mrs. Kaiser, the P.E. teacher at Holy Redeemer. 

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