A Letter From The Editor

We have some big plans for the Holy Redeemer Gazette this year! The Holy Redeemer Gazette staff and I have been working tirelessly on this edition, our first edition of the 2023-2024 school year, so I hope you enjoy our varied assortment of news.

This edition has taken a lot of work, and, in case you can’t tell, it’s also taken us a lot of time. We’ll be making some changes to be able to cover more news in a more efficient manner. The first starts with our publishing schedule. Because we publish primarily online, beginning soon all news will go out immediately and all features will come out at once roughly once a month. This schedule might change in the future, but it is what we will be working with for now. This first edition has taken us a lot longer than usual, but now that everyone is warmed up for the year we are ready to start ramping up production, so check back later for more news!

I am excited to say that we will be printing our newspaper later in the year. We were able to raise what we needed at our bake sale that we held in October. It takes a lot of work to design and lay out the paper, so it might take us a while, but I hope to get at least 1 or 2 printed editions by the end of the school year.

I would also like to remind all Holy Redeemer middle school students that it’s not too late to join the Holy Redeemer Gazette! On first glance, one may assume that you have to already be good at writing to be a part of the newspaper staff, but that’s not true! There’s a position for anyone as a writer, photographer, comic illustrator, or graphic designer. There are also positions involving mainly sports journalism, meaning that you have an excuse to drag your parents and/or siblings along to all the important HR sporting events.

Finally, I’d like to thank everyone reading the Holy Redeemer Gazette for your support and for giving us purpose. I’m very enthusiastic about our potential for this year, and I look forward to the rest of this school year.

Finn Rose

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