Track is back in season.
The Holy Redeemer CYC track team is split into three groups: distance, sprint, and 7 and under. Practices are from 6:00-7:00 p.m on Wednesday at Blackburn Park, and 2:00-4:00 p.m on Sundays at Hixson Middle School. The first meet, called the Nash Dash, is on April 22. It is at St. John Vianney High School. Holy Redeemer will host about 700 kids in the Nash Dash, which is named after head coach Meg Nash.
“My favorite part of track is the kids having fun,” says assistant coach Michelle Wilson, “I also love how they support each other and the other teams at meets.” There are only 3 meets in a regular season. “I like seeing the kids’ improvement,” claimed assistant coach Sarah Andres, “I like seeing their smiles and happiness.” It’s good for the runners, too. Running helps burn calories, increase pace, build muscle, and improve balance. “I see the runners smiling,” says assistant coach Katrina Politte, “They seem to be making new friends.” Also, when you run together endorphins are shared. Endorphins help relieve pain, reduce stress and improve your sense of well-being.
In addition, team members are given the opportunity to participate in field events. “My favorite field events are the standing long jump because you get to leap like a frog and shot put because it makes you feel strong,” states Politte. “I like the running long jump,” adds Andres. Wilson agrees.

Maggie O'Connell
My name is Maggie O’Connell and I am in seventh grade. This is my third year as part of the Holy Redeemer Gazette. I enjoy reading and doing crafts.